INFO CSSCT: Construction Works at Velasquez 

Work on the Velasquez entrance has been planned for a long time, and is due to start on 27/01/2025, with the aim of improving the flow of traffic by car and bicycle and making the area safer.

This was also a condition imposed by the metropolitan authority for the opening of the new exit ramp onto the Fil d’Ariane, which will relieve traffic on the Ritouret and La Crabe exits in the morning.

During Phase 1 of construction works from 27/01 to early April :

  • Access to the B58 silo car park will no longer be possible for cars from rue Velasquez, but only via the crossing from rue Gabriel Clerc.
  • Access for two-wheelers will be maintained during this phase.
  • It will no longer be possible to cross the site from Rue Velasquez.
  • The shuttle route will be modified, with a potential impact on frequency.
  • Traffic on rue Velasquez will be in one lane, with alternating traffic.

During this period, major traffic disruptions are expected, which will require adaptations for employees who are used to using this entrance.

Employees coming from Saint Martin are strongly advised to use the La Crabe and La Crabe Grand Nord car parks (992 spaces available for cars) and to take the shuttle bus near the M73 to access Campus 2.

From the beginning of April, access to the slip road and to the B58 from Velasquez will again be available, but work by the metropolitan authority will continue with alternating traffic on rue Velasquez until potentially mid-June. Work is expected to be completed in July, with the slip road opening in the summer.

Map of area impacted:

Parkings available at la Crabe:

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