COLIBRI Special Environment


The ecological transition must accelerate and become ecological transformation…
These are the words of CFDT General Secretary Marylise Léon.
Airbus is resolutely committed to decarbonization, with a «zero emissions» target for 2050 based on, among other things, a new decarbonized aircraft in 2035 and the use of increasing quantities of so-called sustainable fuels (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) between now and then.
For our internal Airbus perimeter, the High 5+ program is being developed to reduce emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), water consumption and waste.
Airbus Greeners, Cycle to Work, Éthique Animale, Iode, Fresqueurs du Climat and many others are very active, and ideas and information for action are plentiful.
Last but not least, the Sustainable Development Commission, a good example of collaboration between all the trade unions but with limited resources, offers services within AISC.

Every day, all Airbus employees are committed to solving the difficult equation of continuing Airbus’ success in a sustainable way.
More than ever, the CFDT is also committed to a fairer future, a sine qua non of a sustainable future: isn’t this the symbol of the «Hummingbird» we’ve been advocating for the past 5 years, namely that everyone should do their bit according to their possibilities?
What do we propose to do about all these issues that affect the future of the company and all its employees?

The CFDT proposals / For a fairer future

In 2019, at the start of the previous professional election cycle, we published the 24 CFDT Airbus proposals for the environment in our special Colibri Environnement.
Here we recall their content and the need to pursue and complete them.
In 2019, the CFDT called for a significant increase in investment in research into energy, materials and the reduction of condensation trails.
Where do we stand?
The theme of energy, dominated by SAF and hydrogen, now poses the problem of accessibility to resources: will there be enough energy and non-fossil resources available for all the sectors of activity in demand, and not just aeronautics?
The CFDT is calling on Airbus management to draw up a genuine plan to manage the associated risks, for our business and to ensure a sustainable future for all our employees.
The CFDT is not in the business of directing Airbus’ research, but it is willing to push Airbus to invest more massively in Research! Airbus’ commercial situation allows us to accelerate and strongly increase our research efforts, now!

The CFDT called on management to involve employees and their representatives in the design of an ambitious company mobility plan, electric Airbus shuttles, improved bicycle routes, more bicycle parking, the introduction of a bicycle allowance and an 85% increase in the reimbursement of public transport season tickets.
Where do we stand?
The situation has improved, but the number of bicycle parking facilities is still insufficient, and their equipment (battery recharging stations, lockers, etc.) and the standard of sanitary facilities need to be improved (see our proposals on bicycle parking and sanitary facilities on our website).
We need to turn the car/bike logic on its head and offer Airbus employees a vast amount of bicycle parking… even if it means cutting back on the space given over to cars!
Some places where bicycles pass through remain dangerous (e.g. airport area). The CFDT is calling for Airbus to make a major additional effort in this area.
The CFDT is proposing to encourage the use of bicycles through targeted offers for bike-riders: discounted maintenance in partnership with a local employment association, massage / osteo in partnership with IPECA, etc.
With regard to service bicycles, management has offered electric bikes on loan, particularly in response to the problem of the P1 parking lot. This offer should be made permanent so that all Airbus employees who wish to test and use this virtuous mode of transport can do so in the long term.
In addition, the company car could be replaced by more environmentally-friendly benefits.

The Cycle 2 Work community carried out a survey, which we relayed, concerning the bicycle allowance, with over 2,500 favorable responses. The CFDT is asking for negotiations on this subject to be opened at the beginning of 2024, so that it can be implemented quickly.
La CFDT demande la mise en place du remboursement des abonnements aux transports collectifs à hauteur de 85%.
With regard to shuttles, the CFDT is proposing the introduction of electric shuttles on site and the reinstatement of the Airbus shuttle that used to serve Colomiers station.
We also call on Airbus management to set up more synergies and partnerships with public transport networks and players to increase the number of ways to get to the site.
Let’s also encourage car-pooling via reserved parking spaces on site, and pursue the partnership with Karos.

The CFDT has called for the telecommuting agreement to be extended and for telecenters to be set up.
Where do we stand?
Teleworking at Airbus since the implementation of the agreement in 2018, remains invariably 2 days per week max, and even more like 3 days on site per week.
In our survey, employees expressed their desire for greater flexibility!
Telecenters remain totally absent from the solutions proposed by Airbus, even though the various Airbus sites in and around Toulouse (Blagnac, Saint-Martin, Saint-Eloi, Labège…) could already offer such a possibility and thus reduce travel.
The CFDT is calling for quality telecentres to be offered to Airbus employees.

In canteens, the CFDT has campaigned to increase the supply of vegetarian meals and reduce waste.
Where do we stand?
The supply and quality of vegetarian meals has improved considerably in all canteens. The trend is therefore positive. Many ideas and initiatives on this subject are proposed by the Animal Ethics community.
Waste reduction and sorting have been proposed, but their effective use by all employees remains open to question.
The CFDT calls for the introduction of indicators to monitor the effectiveness of these measures. The CFDT encourages the development of local networks via the catering commission.

We proposed in 2019 to set up a «Nature on Airbus sites» plan that contributes to the preservation of biodiversity on Airbus industrial sites and to their revegetation.
How far have we got?
The CFDT would like to see employees and communities who are concerned with environmental issues on a daily basis become more involved in Management’s choices. The CFDT encourages management to develop all initiatives that contribute to enriching biodiversity on Airbus sites.

An employee-initiated fund has been set up. The CFDT and other representatives on the supervisory board must ensure that these funds meet the expected criteria.

The CFDT is campaigning at national level for greater democracy in companies, so that workers are finally given their rightful place in the decisions that affect them!
Unfortunately, the involvement of employee representatives in Airbus’ CSR approach has been disappointing, even though the company extols the benefits of collaboration on all fronts!


CFDT levers for a fair transformation

What is the CFDT’s role in the fight against global warming? How can the CFDT implement a just ecological transition?
Faced with the challenges of climate change, it’s essential to link the environment and social issues – that’s the idea of a «just» transition. Indeed, climate change will impact at least half the world’s workforce, i.e. around 1.5 billion people.

This transition must not leave anyone by the wayside, and it was this desire that forged the creation of the Pacte du Pouvoir de Vivre, launched in 2019 by the CFDT and 18 associations, which today has over 60 members, players in solidarity with the most disadvantaged, migrants and vulnerable people, environmental protection, the student world, the world of work, popular education, the social and solidarity economy and mutuality.

The Pacte du Pouvoir de Vivre aims to draw up concrete proposals for building an ecological, social and democratic society. Today, 90 proposals have been collectively formulated, aimed at politicians, companies and, more broadly, all players in society.
For example, the Pacte du Pouvoir de Vivre believes that a sustainable mobility ticket should be introduced in France, giving citizens access to all public transport services.

At national level, the CFDT participates in the National Council for Ecological Transition, which is consulted on draft legislation concerning the environment and energy, and on national strategies for sustainable development, biodiversity, corporate social and environmental responsibility and the low-carbon strategy. The CFDT is also represented on the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), the third assembly mentioned in the Constitution, alongside the National Assembly and the Senate. Historically, the CESE’s mission has been to advise the Government and Parliament on the drafting of laws and public policies.
The CFDT recently voted in favor of an important opinion on sustainable consumption: promoting a sober economy to move from awareness to action.

The CFDT signed the Accord National Interprofessionnel sur la transition écologique.

At European level, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), of which Laurent Berger was President, is working to push Europe to pursue its environmental objectives, and to back them up with a fair social transition strategy. At international level, IndustriAll Global Union pursues the same objective.

At company level, since the Pacte Act*, Article 1833 of the French Civil Code specifies that a company «is managed in its social interest, taking into consideration the social and environmental challenges of its activity». Yet CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is often reduced to a unilateral approach by company management, with no real involvement of stakeholders such as employees and their representatives.
In addition, there are mandatory mechanisms, such as the law of April 16, 2013 on the independence of health and environmental expertise and the protection of whistleblowers. In addition, the law of March 27, 2017 on the duty of care of parent companies and ordering companies obliges companies with more than 5,000 employees in France, to draw up and publish a vigilance plan.

Lastly, the «Climate and Resilience» law extends the prerogatives of the CSE to environmental issues. Indeed, the environmental aspects of projects presented by management must be addressed in the CSE.
Airbus is resolutely committed to taking into account and reducing the consequences of its activities on climate change and, more generally, on the environment and global society. It is therefore essential that employees and their representatives are more closely involved in the CSR process, in all its forms.

Together, let’s embark on a fairer future!

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