Better support for expatriation !

Better support for expatriation and stronger international cooperation

Members of the Airbus Avions CFDT section, with German and Spanish origins, with real experience of international mobility, set up the CFDT International Section, open to all employees, a year ago.

Why is there an CFDT International section at Airbus?

The many testimonials from expatriate employees and employees who have come to France from abroad, such as those you may have read on our website, highlight a lack of support from management.
This observation led us to set up our CFDT International Section to help you, alongside managers and HR.

Our demands :
– Reintroduce Mobility Packages (GMP),
– Provide mobile employees with full transparency on salaries and social packages in the host country,
– Avoid local contracts,
– Quick and easy payment of expenses related to international mobility,
– An efficient and responsive HR focal point,
– Intercultural training for employees and their families.

What we offer beyond that:

  • Give you the benefit of our expatriate network’s experience in family, career and life issues (e.g. spouse’s activity, Préfecture, Visa, accommodation, choice of residence, children’s school).
  • Accompany you through administrative process when needed.
  • Put you in touch with a «mentor»/«buddy» to help you adapt professionally and personally.
  • And of course, continue our CFDT ‘After Work’/’Stammtisch’ events for exchanges with other expats to connect, share experiences and exchange tips on expat life in France!
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