CSE 29th September 2023 Summary

Below you will find the most important points discussed during the ordinary CSE on September 29.

Commercial situation

The situation is positive both commercially and industrially. Airbus received 60% of orders.

Health security


No accidents occurred in August thanks to the holidays while the number of near accident reports increased. This increase in declarations is a positive sign of the appropriation of tools by employees.

40% of accidents are linked to falls and slips, the average duration of work stoppage (all accidents combined) is 34 days


A certain number of failures and non-compliance in the kitchens noted in a letter from the labor inspector are being resolved.

“Safety for All”

An alert was made regarding the minority of employees who exhibit unacceptable behavior even though with their behavior and non-compliance with traffic rules, they endanger their physical integrity and that of others.

Quarterly CSSCT-E from September 13, 2023


13 evaluation meetings took place between June and August in the selected sectors. It is planned that ultimately, all sectors of the company will be covered, so the committee set up to evaluate the St Eloi situation will be repeated for each sector year after year. The reports of the sectoral committees will be distributed to all participants in the evaluation meetings.

Medical service

Points of vigilance on 3 services

  • GHA
  • YZE
  • FEZ

Social workers

The analysis of their activity during the summer was carried out. This led to studying optimization of their work (online diary, participation in online meetings, redefinition of their scope of action for foreign employees).

Heat wave

1 discomfort at SAS linked to high temperature (18 on Airbus Avions), the solutions used are required to be refined and made sustainable.


Their intervention will be modified: the medical service has therefore recommended the implementation of a package of 5 appointments available only if recommended by it.


  • P1/P2 parking: a letter will be sent to all employees to inform them of the impossibility of reusing these parking lots. Studies are underway as to the destination of this space.
  • Parking P58: work (damage) will be carried out in October, the elevator is stopped in the meantime.
  • B06: the installation of exterior blinds will be carried out over 3 years.
  • B80: the work (damage to the structure) is being carried out at night, its end is scheduled for June 2024.
  • Demolition B14/B42: the construction of a parking lot is pending, part of the parking lot could be used for a biomass project (discussion with the DGA is underway).
  • Ring road access (rue Velasquez): delayed by Toulouse Métropole. Work is planned for Q2 2024 on DGA land.
  • B28: the project would consist of 2 buildings (industrial and tertiary)

2 wheels

Bike park: the 200-space car park in Bellonte is being secured.

There are no plans to create a scooter parking lot.

Evolution of workspaces at S

The projection of the need for accommodation capacity of buildings over 3 years will increase from 3,600 people today to more than 4,100 people by the end of 2026.

B23 is the option under study to absorb the additional people who will join Campus 2 (Copernic and Galilée buildings will be released in 2024) in shared offices and on the basis of 80% of employees teleworking once a week.

Reorganization of the “Merger & Acquisition” teams

The reorganization will be effective on October 1. The reorganization aims to rationalize the analysis of mergers and acquisitions: while the CFO signed all the files presented to the executive committee, different departments of F and Y had to manage these subjects. From now on, all these files will be handled by a single department at F.

Information and consultation following the Airbus SAS timetable consultation

The CFDT voted unfavorably. The CFDT is not opposed to the flexibility provided for by the RELOAD agreement but cannot subscribe to a presentation of the day with theoretical schedules applicable to fixed non-executives which can be interpreted as fixed.

See the CFDT statement.

Elections – Main Points

  • Election date: November 21 to 23
  • Electronic voting
  • The electoral lists can be consulted by employees on the G-site “professional elections” (surname / first name, corporate ID by college)
  • The lists of candidates will be published on November 6

Reorganization of the Procurement Cabin & Cargo (PCC) teams

PCC will be reorganized by program with staff numbers increasing from 47 to 66 employees. Still shared between France and Germany, positions will be open in the USA and GB.

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