The Colibri SPECIAL ISSUE : Professional Elections


All Airbus employees in the Group, as well as employees of subcontracting companies who so wish, will be invited to vote in the November 2023 professional elections.
What for? What for? Who to vote for?
This special issue of Colibri attempts to answer these questions and share with you the issues at stake in the vote.

Social and Economic Committee and REPRESENTATIVITY : 2 Stakes in 1

Professional elections will be held in November 2023 throughout the Airbus Group (from November 21 to 23 at Airbus Commercial). They will be used to renew the Social and Economic Committees, and to determine the representativeness of the various trade union organizations.

At Airbus Commercial, there are 35 permanent members and 35 substitutes (30 managerial and 5 non-managerial) for the CSE-E (d’Établissement) Airbus SAS, and the same number for Airbus OPS.
There is also a CSE-C (Central) for the Airbus UES (Unité Économique et Sociale), comprising 17 full members and 17 substitutes.

The CSE-E is informed and consulted on major reorganizations, any changes in working conditions, the introduction of new technologies, etc. Its opinion is consultative. Its opinion is consultative.

The CSE-E manages social and cultural activities, the total budget for which is set at 2.5% of the establishment’s payroll.

Occupational health matters are delegated to the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CSSCT), made up of 20 elected members of the CSE-E, the only body empowered to be consulted, to request expert advice or to take legal action.

The local role is played by the Social Life Representatives (RVS) appointed by the representative trade unions. The RVS bring employee questions to the attention of the CSE-E, which can, if it wishes, put them on the agenda for a plenary meeting.

The CSE-Central brings together elected representatives from SAS and OPS, and is responsible for company-level issues. It is consulted each year on the company’s economic and financial situation, and on its social policy.

The CSE does not negotiate company-wide agreements, a role reserved for the Délégués Syndicaux (DS).

Elections to the CSE-E also serve to determine union representativeness. Those obtaining less than 10% of the vote are not representative: they do not take part in the negotiation of collective agreements, and have no union delegates or RVS. They can, however, have elected representatives, if their electoral score is sufficient.


During the 2019-2023 term of office, your CFDT elected representatives fought :
To guarantee the safety of all Airbus employees during the COVID period,
To prevent forced redundancies as part of the Odyssey social plan,
To protect all employees whose jobs were relocated to Portugal with the creation of GBS (Global Business Services – Airbus Portugal),
To re-establish a company stress prevention commission and defend the hiring of a 3rd doctor.

THE CFDT REPRESENTATIVITY : No. 1 union in France and among Cadres

The CFDT will be your voice!

The respective weight of representative labor organizations is proportional to their electoral score, after elimination of votes cast for non-representative unions.

A collective agreement at establishment, company or group level must be signed by majority-level Trade Union Organizations to be valid: for example, the RELOAD agreements covering all the Group’s social status which were signed by the «Entente» trade unions (FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC) at Group level, or the 2022-2024 wage policy agreements which were signed at UES level.

Representativeness is defined at establishment, company, group, branch and national levels.

The CFDT is No. 1 in France among Cadres, and No. 1 in the Metallurgy branch.

At Airbus SAS, the CFDT is representative and has 6 full members and 5 substitutes on the CSE, 3 of whom sit on the CSSCT. At Airbus OPS, the CFDT has one elected member on the CSE/CSSCT, but is not representative. Overall, in the Airbus Commercial UES, the CFDT fell short of the representativeness threshold by 517 votes out of more than 20,000 votes cast in the 2019 elections.

At Airbus Group level, the CFDT obtained 9.4% in 2019, and was short of 228 votes out of a total of 37,000 votes cast to be representative: On November 21 you will have the opportunity to give the CFDT representativeness at the level of the UES and the Airbus Group!

With your vote, you choose who will represent you in negotiations.
For real social progress, at UES and Group level, vote CFDT!


The Social and Cultural Activities (ASC) budget corresponds to 2.5% of the payroll and is used to finance leisure activities, sports, culture, vacations, children’s activities (crèche, camps, Christmas…), ticketing, AISA, Sustainable Development…
The AISC, via the social support committee, also provides personalized assistance with the help of the Airbus Social Assistants.
Finally, catering is managed by Airbus management and represents an equivalent overall budget.

The CFDT is committed to developing collective, social and environmentally-friendly activities in AISC’s social and cultural activities.

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