CSE summary August 31

Below you will find the most important points discussed during the ordinary CSE on August 31:

Commercial situation

Deliveries will be a challenge, as every year: there are around 30 Wide Body left to be delivered before the end of the year, which will require a strong mobilization of employees and most certainly, the use of overtime.

Health security

  • Accidentology:

The peak of accidents (with absence from work) took place in June with a predictable decrease in July thanks to the holidays.

For SAS, most accidents are falls on the same level.

The indicators used by Airbus are a) the Frequency Rate of work accidents with absence (TF1) which must be transmitted to Social Security and b) the indicator developed by Airbus to harmonize between the different Airbus entities (FR 1)

TF1 2.19 (2023 target less than 1)

FR1 over 12 rolling months: 0.84

  • Blinds B06

The lack of effectiveness of interior blinds has been noted; studies are underway regarding a possible investment in installing exterior blinds on the most exposed facades. In the meantime, phase 1 of the work to remove/install the interior blinds of B06 on the most exposed facades has been finalized, phase 2 (less exposed facade) is in progress.

  • Car park B01/B02 + lift P11

The presentation of the analysis and decisions will take place during the CSSCT on September 13.

Status on Global Business Services

The activities of FEX (which processes 15,000 invoices/day) are transferred to Portugal. The redeployment of FEX employees continues, 44% remain to be redeployed, including 15 people in the next 18 months. Today, three quarters of redeployments are made in finance, the involvement of other functions has started with the participation of logistics and purchasing functions in monthly meetings carried out by HR. To date, there are no plans to make FEX applications a priority and to impose transfers on recruiting managers; this solution may be considered at a later date.

In addition to the support provided by the HRBPs concerned, LHH provides support to employees: CV review, help with interview preparation, job offers.

The CFDT reiterated its proposal to maintain a “core” activity in Blagnac, making it possible to protect certain activities requiring specific expertise, which would also have made it possible to offer a solution to employees for whom changing jobs proves difficult.

This option is still not considered by Management.

Progress update on AIBT and information following the signing of the agreement on ATI cabin crew

The last presentation on the subject was made last December, the objective of Airbus Beluga Transport (AIBT) remains: to become, in three years, a reference in the air transport of “extra large” goods.

We have had confirmation of the existence of a market: AiBT receives approximately 40 requests per month, but cannot currently respond to them due to a certain number of technical problems and a catalog of certified products to transport which is still limited.

Regarding the social aspect, the concerted transfer agreements will be communicated in October to Airbus employees who will join AIBT (when the exact date of obtaining the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) will be communicated).

ATI pilots will be made available to AIBT while remaining employees of Airbus SAS.

AIBT will not follow the schedule of group elections (from November 21 to 23 for the first round at Airbus SAS) but intends to have a CSE at the end of the first half of 2024.

Reduction in the number of Social Workers/ Limitation of consultations with Occupational Psychologists

A job of social worker has been cut. From October 1, a new organization will be put in place: pooling of social workers between Airbus Operations and Airbus SAS, and no more sectorization

Appointments will be done by email or via Doctolib, details will be specified before the end of September.

The social worker who will take care of the employee, will follow him until the closing of his file but the employee can make an appointment either in St Martin or in Blagnac.

Since July 1, occupational psychologists can only be consulted after validation by the medical service and only for 5 sessions per year.

The CFDT is surprised by the reduction of jobs of social workers and the limitation in consultations with Occupational Psychologists while the number of employees is increasing and  Psychosocial Risks (RPS) is still at a significant level. The Evrest questionnaire (EVolutions and Relations in Occupational Health) completed by Airbus employees during the medical visit showed that half of the employees have a neuropsychiatric disorder.

Date to note – Housing Commission –

Webinar “Action Logement offers and services” organized by Action Logement on Tuesday September 19, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. on Teams.

  • Presentation of “Action Logement”
  • To find accommodation
  • Buy with confidence
  • Finance work
  • Invest in real estate
  • Facing a housing problem: being accompanied

 Click on the link below to register:

I register for the conference of September 19, 2023

The connection link will be sent the day before the event after registration.

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