An Individual Social Report or a Collective Hallucination?

A ll employees received a letter at their home address at the beginning of June with the following headline «The best pay policy over the past 25 years», in which, in addition to the individual elements of remuneration, Management justifies its current pay policy (2022-2024).

Management unfortunately forgot to mention that inflation in France is at its highest level in 40 years. This high inflation affects many sectors, such as food, energy, gasoline and daily services.
The letter claims all employees will receive 11.9% in 2022-24. This would be desirable, but unfortunately is completely FALSE! It’s window dressing for the employees.
In reality, all employees will receive a general increase (GA) of 2% for the years 2022–2023 and 2023–2024, for a total increase of 4% over those two years.

Individual increases and the extra funding related to classification are far from being distributed evenly. For instance, barely one out of two employees obtained an individual increase (1.9%) for the years 2022–2023.
The letter presents the payment of a 1,500€ «bonus» in November 2022 as an extraordinary 2.5% wage rise, which is FALSE! The figure of 11.9% is a simple HALLUCINATION!
The only pay rise that all employees will benefit from is 4% for the years 2022-2024, which is far from compensating for inflation. Each and every one of you has been seeing real wage losses for a long time.
Unfortunately, the «Entente» unions (CFE-CGC, FO and CFTC) have signed this pay policy agreement with management, which does little to protect employees’ long-term interests.
Elections for the Social and Economic Committee are scheduled for November 2023, which is why management has probably deemed it necessary to mount a major propaganda campaign in order to take the bitter pill of Airbus’s only below-inflation salary policy in decades.

Vote for your CFDT Social Partner in November to engage and make a difference. Your vote counts and encourage your colleagues to do the same.

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