Employee Savings

Are you hesitant about the many investment options?
You wonder about the impact of RELOAD
on employee savings?

The CFDT will provide you advices and recommendations
during the presentations of June 1st
Dear colleagues,

With the launching of the next campaign on the 23drd of May, the time will come to make important decisions concerning your employee savings (profit sharing, success sharing, placement of TSA days on PERCOL, voluntary payments on the TSA etc..)

To assist you in taking informed decisions, the Airbus CFDT team is offering a series of 3 hybrid GMeet/ face to face conferences: Tuesday 25th of May, Thursday 30th of May and Thursday 1st of June from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.
The first two will be in French and the third in English.

These presentations will also cover the changes, induced by RELOAD, impacting employee savings from January 2024.

These events will be open to all Airbus employees who are members or sympathizers of the CFDT.

If you are interested, contact us, we will provide you with the Gmeet codes and room numbers :
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