Review of the general health, safety and working conditions situation and the actions carried out in 2022
2023 program of prevention actions
The elected members of the CFDT, members of the CSSCT, endorsed the declaration of the CSSCT which calls for an action plan to be drawn up for the discomforts “which most often occur in a context of stress or conflict”. Work and commuting accidents increased sharply in 2022 (105 including 76 work accidents).
The number of employees who have taken training, in particular the RPS modules, have doubled (46 people in 2022 – 20 in 2021) but “this remains insufficient and would require dedicated communication”.
In 2023, prevention actions are intended to fulfill 5 categories of objectives:
1. Compliance with regulatory requirements
2. A better working environment
3. A long-term vision adapted to the working conditions of employees
4. Definition and improvement of the environmental vision for the Blagnac site
5. Integration of employees in all transformations
This prevention will take the form of actions relating to compliance, performance management, organization and resources, risk management and communication with:
- global establishment compliance audits and regulatory monitoring
- the launch of the Safety Management System (SMS)
- the deployment of the RPS project
- the reduction of the Frequency Rate of Workplace Accidents with Lost Time (FR1) to a level below 1. This will be the main challenge in 2023 . Preventive actions will be launched in particular on travel within the company.
“The commission supports all of these objectives, emphasizing as in 2021 the need to strengthen the root cause analysis of work accidents work, but also recommends as part of the improvement of the FR1, a communication work on behavior in the company whose
compliance with safety rules.On the axis of Psychosocial Risks, the elected representatives of the commission support the EV RPS project, but beyond the risk analysis carried out in November 2022 (SBC pilot function), a more global deployment, associating the members of the CSSCT -E, is expected.”
CFDT voted in favor of the 2023 report and program.
Information and consultation on the 2022 Social Report
2022 saw a resumption of hiring (in particular of young work-study students), a stabilization of departures. See below the attached CFDT statement.
Information on the levels of working time arrangements (plots) and on the production and non-production environment perimeters of Airbus SAS
In the context of RELOAD, it was necessary to define the organization of working time for employees covered by a system in hours.
At Airbus SAS, although the question arose for Working Parties, it was decided that all Airbus SAS employees would be in a non-production environment.
Please note, the following are not concerned:
- Substitute teams (VSD)
- the AIRTAC teams
- part of the ATI staff with a weekly cycle less than or equal to 35 hours (Agents of the maintenance control center, Maintenance technicians, Supervisors of maintenance technicians)
- simulator maintenance technicians
The plot of 37h45 which was that of Airbus SAS does not exist at group level, it was abandoned in favor of 37h30 as at Airbus Operations.
The CFDT has taken note of the fact that working time in the non-production environment at Airbus SAS will now be 37.30 hours instead of 37.45 hours. This mechanically leads to the removal of a day of RTT for Non-Managers, we regret that the employees were not consulted, perhaps they would have preferred to work 15 minutes more rather than lose an RTT or have a 38-hour plot which would have resulted in two days of RTT.